Miriam Rose Lee

Intuitive Energy Healer and Shamanic Practitioner

I’m MIriam and I’m so glad that you have found your way to Energetic Pathway!


It is my honor to help you wherever you are on your Journey Back to Yourself.

The Creation of Energetic Pathway

Energetic Pathway continues to evolve and is the result of my own personal journey back to myself. What started as a mission to heal the effects of childhood (and adulthood) trauma, developed into a deep desire to fully learn who I am and my purpose. 

In the beginning, I truly struggled to get back into my body. I was so disassociated and distracted by the busyness and demands of life. When I first started to become truly aware of what it is like to be truly present in my body, I experienced a lot of emotional dysregulation. Navigating these aspects of my journey was truly like a dark night of the soul. 

Over time, I created boundaries, learned how to show up not only for others but also for myself, and fell completely in love with all things energy healing. 

Talk therapy was very helpful for me at the beginning of my journey (which took years), but it was the addition of other energy-healing modalities that completely transformed my life. The waves still come as that is all part of life, but I now surf the waves instead of trying to keep my head above water. 

From there I dove into energy healing, shamanic healing, past-life regression hypnosis (QHHT), sound healing, and energetic gridwork. Energetic Pathway is the combination of what I’ve learned and the fulfillment of my mission to help others and the Earth. 

It is my honor to walk with you as you Journey Back to Yourself.

Nicole Beachum of Energetic Pathway with a drum

Energy Healing Training and Certifications

  • Master Practitioner of Energy Medicine via The Four Winds Society with Alberto Villoldo (Shamanism)
  • Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) Level 1 (Level 2 in Process)
  • Reiki Master
  • Healing Sound Training Foundations Certification with Mark Torgeson

Questions or Unsure Where to Start?

If you’re interested in learning more about working with me but would like to learn more, please use the link below to schedule a 20-minute phone call to explore if our work together is aligned.