Flailing Like a Fish Out of Water

Flailing Like a Fish Out of Water

Fish Out of Water? Terrifying. You know how a fish feels when it is pulled out of the water as it flops around on the ground freaking the hell out? Well, I do. And let me tell you that is a pretty terrifying moment for that fish. (Side note, I have had to stop myself...
I’m Writing a Book – The Introduction

I’m Writing a Book – The Introduction

Please Read Me First Wow, that is actually a really bold and all-caps font that really yelled that at you, huh? Unfortunately, I don’t want to spend the time trying to figure out how to make that not uppercase so we are just going to roll with it. But now that I...
Lying Down Self-Reiki Practice

Lying Down Self-Reiki Practice

Lying Down Self-Reiki Practice This self-reiki practice is designed to be a 15-20 minute practice that you can easily integrate into your schedule each night before bed and/or each morning when you wake up. This practice is designed to be performed lying down and does...
Sitting With Difficult Emotions (Meditation)

Sitting With Difficult Emotions (Meditation)

A gentle, guided meditation on sitting with difficult emotions. When we shut out the emotions that are hard to deal with, it also means we shut out the emotions that we do want in our lives. Check out more free guided meditations as they go live on InsightTimer. ...
From Academia to Energy Healing – Aho!

From Academia to Energy Healing – Aho!

Having walked through my own “dark night of the soul” and learning the hard way the importance of being still and letting go in surrender, I have truly learned how to “be” in this world.  There were many days and nights of seemingly endless tears and anxiety, great...