Do You Believe in Magic?

Do You Believe in Magic?

I don’t remember when my magic was shut down as a child, I assume that I was very, very, very young. But I do remember what it was like to be terrified of all things supernatural and how I slowly but surely started believing in “magic” (aka the mysterious...
Your Mind is Running the Show

Your Mind is Running the Show

Did you know that it’s the job of your mind to make your life a living hell? Okay, actually you’re doing that (innocently and subconsciously) and your mind is performing its job amazingly well. Let me explain.  Danger! We’re Going to Die Our minds are like little...
Why Guatemala?

Why Guatemala?

Why, Exactly, Guatemala?  I have been asked that question no less than one hundred times and most of the time I shrug and say something along the lines of “I just know I need to go” while people look at me in bewilderment and respond by telling me everything from not...
Get Me Out Of Here

Get Me Out Of Here

That’s the energy that is inside of each of us that has not been allowed to move through to completion of talking (and by talking I mean shouting at the top of its lungs and even sometimes making you shake uncontrollably from head to toe). It’s trapped inside of our...
Wait, When Did I Leave My Body?

Wait, When Did I Leave My Body?

How Do You Feel?  I remember sitting on the couch at my former therapist’s office and one day toward the beginning of my healing journey when I walked in and sat down on the couch she asked me, “How are you feeling?”  Me: “I’m okay?”  And then insert a bit of a...
Public Transportation is Trying to Murder Me

Public Transportation is Trying to Murder Me

One thing about Guatemala that I appreciate is the fact that public transportation actually exists. Ironic how a third-world country can figure out public transportation across the entire freaking country yet Birmingham, Alabama can’t seem to figure out an efficient...