Energetic Gridwork

I work with energy grids of the Earth to reconnect the Crystalline Grid with the Christ Consciousness Grid.

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Ways I Work With Energy Grids

There are a variety of ways to work with energy grids. Some lightworkers activate light grids by just showing up in a space or place.

The work I do with energy grids involves intentionally feeling into the grid the place, connecting with the land (Shamanic training comes in handy here), and listening to the specific needs of the grid at that location. Then helping to reconnect the grid through alignment, transmutation, and direct light transmission.

Sometimes this involves correcting a portal that has been intentionally or unintentionally manipulated. Other times it means sending entities to where they need to be in order to clear the energetic grid. The specific method greatly depends on the situations surrounding the need for the grid work and involves relying on my intuition and guides for direction.

Energetic Gridwork Examples

Portal Correction

Birmingham, Alabama, USA

This portal correction involved stopping a portal that was spinning counterclockwise under a building, clearing negative energy, and spinning the portal back clockwise. A spirit was also trapped in the location and was assisted to get to the other side where he could find peace and healing.

Grid Connection and Clearing

Late Atitlan, Guatemala

Using the energy of the three surrounding volcanoes and the energy of the land (and ancestors of the land), the Crystalline Grid of the Earth was reconnected to the Christ Consciousness Grid. The energetic pathways were also cleared and realigned.

Portal Reset and Creation

Orlando, Florida, USA

This case involved a deep clearing of a very active reversed portal that was negatively affecting the entire area and the creation of a light-filled portal that connected directly to the grid of the Earth. Then the portals were aligned to ensure the corrected portal remained aligned with the light grid.

Clearing After Tragic Event

United States

The specific location and some details of this case are unable to be disclosed due to confidentiality. This complex clearing involved removing a negative entity from a person who passed away in the incident, helping the spirit pass to the other side, and then clearing the associated building and the land. 

Schedule a Consultation Call

If you’re interested in learning more about my grid work services, please use the link below to schedule a consultation call with me.