From Academia to Energy Healing – Aho!

by | Feb 5, 2024 | Blog

Having walked through my own “dark night of the soul” and learning the hard way the importance of being still and letting go in surrender, I have truly learned how to “be” in this world. 

There were many days and nights of seemingly endless tears and anxiety, great loss, traumatic nightmares, and immense grief. In the journey through the darkness, however, I found myself – my true self. The part of me that has been here all along was simply waiting for me to remember. 

During this journey (which continues as long as we are alive), I have found a deep love for myself and everything before me, a great understanding of my life’s experiences, and a clear direction for my next steps. 

Although “energy healing” may come as a surprise to many who know me only professionally, those who know me the closest are well aware of how much my life has changed, grown, and shifted rather rapidly over the last couple of years. 

In my journey back to myself and through the darkest night of my soul as I worked diligently to heal from many traumas and wounds, I learned that some of my greatest gifts lie in my intuition, empathy, clear seeing, and an ability to hold sacred, safe space for others. 

I have found my healing in many modalities and with the help of several friends, incredible teachers, and mentors. To each of you, thank you for seeing me, encouraging me, holding space for me, and reminding me of the truth of who I am when it is hard to see. And thank you in advance for playing those same roles for me in the future. I love you. <3 

My explorations have resulted in training in Shamanic Healing (Andean Shamans of Peru), Reiki Level 2, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) Level 1 (level 2 in progress), and Foundations of Sound Healing certifications. 

Through these trainings, teachers, classmates, friends, and others who let me “play” with them along the way, I have found the greatest fulfillment. My heart sings when I have the honor of walking with others on their journeys back to themselves. 

Along with all of the work I’ve done myself over the last five years, my recent trip to Guatemala provided me an opportunity to truly be in these gifts – uninhibited. 

I joined a group of people from Canada (whom I didn’t know), experienced the incredible energy of Lake Atitlan, explored Antigua and the Mayan ruins, participated in a Shaman fire ceremony, and so much more. It was this group who encouraged me to lean into my natural gifts and to be fully myself – and they are in part to thank for my ability to come back to the Southeast United States (of all places) and boldly step into this new phase of my life. To them, I extended my deepest gratitude and a huge hug – I love you all.

With all of this, I have decided to put in my letter of resignation as an Assistant Professor of Marketing. As much as I love my students and teaching, this will be my last semester in an academic setting for the foreseeable future. I have nothing but a deep appreciation for my experiences in academia – my colleagues, students, mentors, and friends. 

My heart is happy and full.

I’ll end with something I wrote last September. May I Dance.

Note: Yes, I’ll still be doing speaking engagements and consulting around digital marketing (=

Energetic Pathway with Nicole Beachum in Birmingham Alabama
Shamanic healing in Birmingham, Alabama and a fire pit offering to the land.
Energetic Pathway Intuitive Energy Healing space in Birmingham, Alabama


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