Energetic Pathway

With Miriam Rose Lee

A safe place for you to be, grow, and explore as you energetically heal the pathways on the Journey Back To Yourself. 


Uncover the answers you have been looking for in your mind, body, and soul.

Energy Healing Offerings

Regardless of where you are on your healing journey, these offerings are designed to be tailored to your individual needs.


Shamanic healing in Birmingham, Alabama and a fire pit offering to the land.

Shamanic Energy Healing

Shamanic Energy Healing is ideal for those looking to go deeper and actively heal the root causes of presenting issues in a few sessions.

These sessions can result in big shifts and lead to physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing.

Plan for approximately 3 sessions to address each specific issue.

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QHHT in Birmingham, Alabama with past life regression and Egyptian Cross on a table.


QHHT is designed for those who are looking to explore answers in past lives to current life situations.

These sessions are only offered in-person and often take 4 hours to complete (all in one session).

Those considering a QHHT session will need to schedule a free consultation call with me first.

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Energetic Pathway Intuitive Energy Healing space in Birmingham, Alabama

Shamanic ENERGY HEALING for Animals

Shamanic energy healing for your beloved companions.

These 30-minute sessions are great for helping with energetic blockages, physical pain or illness, and emotional distress occurring in your loved one.

Typically only one session is needed to see results.

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Welcome to Energetic Pathway

Hello and welcome! I’m Miriam and I’m so glad you’re here. 

By providing a safe place of unconditional love and deep compassion, I provide intuitive energy healing services that are designed to help you live the life you are meant to live.

Together, may we create sacred space, honor the wisdom of those who came before us, and help bring light to the world for those who will come after us.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

With love and light,


Nicole Beachum of Energetic Pathway sitting on a rock in Birmingham, Alabama

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Energetic Pathway podcast with Miriam Rose Lee cover art.

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Emotional Regulation Resources

Emotional Regulation Resources

As humans, we often find ourselves outside of our window of tolerance, which means we are emotionally dysregulated. Signs of not being emotionally regulated can range from feeling like you are...

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