Shamanic Healing

With Miriam Rose Lee

Shamanic energy healing is an incredibly gentle and powerful set of tools that can help you reset your nervous system, heal physical symptoms, and much more.

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Shamanic Healing

With Miriam Rose Lee

Shamanic energy healing is an incredibly gentle and powerful set of tools that can help you reset your nervous system, heal physical symptoms, and much more.

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Shamanic Energy Healing with Miriam Rose Lee

Shamanic healing is a deep, compassionate, and non-judgmental integrative process that honors ancestral wisdom and the lineage of the practice. 

I am trained by Alberto Villoldo and the Four Winds Society School and practice the traditions of the Andean Shamans of Peru, which are also known as Laika (Earthkeepers – the medicine men and women of Peru). 

Shamans are the medicine men and women who in many ways operate where spirituality and science meet with a deep emphasis on honoring the connection of all living beings.


Nicole Beachum with Shamanic Drum

Shamanic Enegy Healing

All sessions take place via Zoom.

The beauty of working with the quantum universe is that we can have just as powerful of sessions virtually as in person (sometimes more comfortable because you are in the comfort of your home).

My virtual clients are seeing incredible healing, energetic shifts, and transformations. It is truly a beautiful and sacred format that allows for accessibility from anywhere in the world.

New clients: It is highly recommended that you plan to start with a minimum of 3 sessions booked no more than 14 days between each session.

If you are unable to find a time that works for you, please fill out the contact form with your availability and I will do what I can to find a time that works.

Note: 90-minute sessions are reserved for soul retrievals and should not be booked as a first appointment.

Cancellation Policy

Please note that cancellations must be made with a 24-hour notice.

Shamanic Energy Healing Practices

Nervous System Reset (Decoupling)

Decoupling sessions help you to reduce your anxiety and stress by resetting your nervous system. Although one session can be very helpful, typically at least three sessions are recommended for a more lasting reset of fight and flight.

Energetic Clearing (Illumination)

Illumination sessions involve clearing your energetic field of old trauma and wounds that need healing. This practice can also help prevent the imprints of trauma from appearing physically.


Extraction sessions involve removing unwanted energies typically projected on you by others throughout your lifetime. Furthermore, extractions can assist with the removal of energy from past lifetimes that affect you in this life. If needed, this practice can also remove unwanted entities, which often are from loved ones who have passed away.

Soul Retrievals 

Soul retrievals involve me journeying to the underworld to receive lost parts of your soul from either this lifetime or previous lifetimes. I return with a contract/vow you made (that needs to be rewritten), your lost soul part, a gift, and your power animal. These are incredibly beautiful sessions that often involve the need for at least 2 illuminations around the “issue” at hand before we will receive permission to perform the soul retrieval. Note: Soul retrievals require a 90-minute session. 

Client Experiences

Illumination Session and Energy Extraction

“I want to start by first saying Miriam is such a kind soul, she makes you feel so comfortable and at ease with sharing information that can sometimes be tough to discuss. When I booked my appointment for the Illumination Session I was in need of healing. Healing of anger, fear, sadness. Healing from past traumas that continued to enter my thoughts throughout my life. I not only had emotional pain but also physical pain.

The session was very relaxing and calming, I really enjoyed it. On the drive home I had a good cry and began to heal.

I am healed of my anger, my bouts with sadness for no reason, my fear is greatly reduced and overall, I feel very happy, and life brings me joy again! I have had right side pain for years now, neck pain, breast pain and abdomen pain, those are all gone.

The most profound thing is that my migraines that I have had for over 20 years, also on the right side, are gone. I was not expecting that! Thank you Miriam for sharing your gifts with me, I am very grateful!”


Illumination Session and Nervous System Reset

“When I came to the session I was very out of sorts and dealing with a lot of physical and emotional upheaval. Probably a level 8 out of 10. My body and mind were both in a state of fight or flight. I was having a lot of worry and anxiety about several different issues going on in my life and past emotional wounds coming up as well.

When I left I felt much more at ease. I was down to probably a 2 or 3 on the intensity scale. I felt very calm and at ease, light and playful. Hopeful.

Following the session, my view of the world in general has changed.  I just feel more at flow in everything I do. I am continuing to feel hopeful and more relaxed about life!”


Integrated Enegy Healing and Illumination Session

“I had my first energy healing session with Miriam recently and I am really pleased with the immediate effects I saw. Our session was such a cathartic release of negative energy that I had been holding on to.

In the week that followed, I noticed I had more motivation in my everyday tasks and clarity around processing big emotions. I look forward to working with her more and adding energetic work to my healing journey.


Questions or Unsure Where to Start?

If you’re interested in learning more about working with me but would like to learn more, please use the link below to schedule a 15-minute phone call to explore if our work together is aligned.